Ready, Set, GO!

How do you go for it? Do you embrace the beautiful truth that the Universe is offering you full support of all that you want and need? But do you realize that you need to put action into this relationship?

Have you ever had the experience that all the signs are aligning? Have you ever felt that this was the perfect time to go where you have been wanting to go, have what you have longed for, or create what you have dared to dream of? Have you noticed signs around you? Songs on the radio that rally you? Conversations with friends that encourage you? Your higher self is celebrating and resonating and urging you on! These are all BIG signs from the Universe, from Source that the vibrations are alive and ready for you and your moment!

But it takes action on your part. It takes some faith, some courage, some forward movement to bring it into being! When we make that leap and set into motion the energies for our "GO" the Universe responds even further. Things begin to fall into place, challenges do not stop us but instead inspire us. Doors begin to open. Gifts begin to flow and our soul engages with all that these energies bring to our highest Self and to the equation.

We find within all these creative and generative waves a sense of peace as well. We are fulfilling what we have dreamed of and we are manifesting what we have longed for. This satisfies the body, mind and soul alike.

This action begins to impact the powers that surround us as well. Positive energies attract positive energies. People may join in your creative process and offer support. Receptivity will blossom where it once before was dormant. This positive shift of energy begins to affect everything around us.

Being awake to this moment in life is so vital to our being all we are meant to be. Watching for the signs, staying in connection to our soul, listening to the messages of the Universe are all important practices to bring to this journey. Our dreams, longings, and inner callings are there for a reason. Honoring them with our presence will be the key to having them become our reality! Are you ready?

Blessings, Lisa

Keeping the Spark Alive

My connection to life has much to do with keeping my inner fire lit. The more "awake" I am the more connected I am to Source, to my soul and to others. I have learned over time that different activities that I do stoke this inner fire.

I am a learner. I love being taught new things that I can apply to the skills I use in my life. I love going deeper in my skills and knowledge and learning new ways to apply them. This learning brings newness to what becomes familiar and old. It also brings challenge so that I stretch.

Other benefits that I had not anticipated is that it brings new people into my life and my community expands. It also opens doors to possibilities I had not anticipated. Life gets richer and richer each time I step into the role of a learner.

I am good at doing. It comes naturally to me, so to balance that I seek things that give me opportunities to expand and grow. Learning sometimes means struggling a bit or even failing, but I always gain tremendous lessons from these moments.

Recently I signed up to be a student of one of the world's leaders in online cooking school programs. I am enrolled in their Professional Plant Based Program. I have been a vegetarian and vegan for over 20 years. I have used my passion around this and my belief in honoring the body temple to my work. Many of my offerings, such as SOUL Food and VegVitality incorporate this passion.

Taking this course will keep my fire alive! It will add to my current skill base, expand my community as I work with others in my class, introduce me to many Chefs that I have admired, and offer me possible teaching opportunities down the road as a graduate of the program.

This is just one example of what I do to stoke that fire within me. Challenging myself helps me be very present in this beautiful life. It encourages me to bring my best to each day and it keeps me in the energetic flow of my passions and my skills.

What are you doing to keep your spark alive?

Blessings, Lisa

Are You Listening to Your Body?


You receive many message throughout the day, some obvious, some subliminal. Some come from outside of yourself through media, friends, conversations, nature, Source. But one particular source that not everyone is accustomed to listening to is your body and the messages it is trying to send to you.

Your body will always tell you the truth. It may not always make sense to you. It may not always be what you want to hear. It often is not a loud broadcast, but it will be persistent. You cannot control the messages your body sends you, but you can ignore it. Or you can engage with in this conversation and listen.

Your body is a very wise source. It knows you better than you think you do! Many times seeking the messages from your body when you are going to make a choice or decision is not something that you do. But imagine this; there is a choice to make about whether to accept a new job offer. It will mean a change in your sleep cycle, your social life, your family connections and your eating patterns. It will also increase your finances and your responsibility load. You may consult your friends for their opinion, you may consult a coworker, you may consult resources or others in your field, you may pray, meditate or journey on it, but do you consult your body as well?

Imagine what your body would say? This conversation could go in many different directions, but to be sure if you honestly listen your body will have an opinion on how this choice will impact it, perhaps for the better or perhaps not. But given that you are in relation with your body every minute of every day, shouldn't it be one of the main sources that you consult?

Another way your body communicates to you may not be so topic specific as above. Instead it will send you message through its responses and reactions. Perhaps you are deciding about whether to move across the country. Whenever you think about this choice your body is speaking up. You just need to pay attention.

Does your body feel relaxed when you consider this? How is your breathing? Your heart rate? Do you feel inspiration, delight and enthusiasm or dread, fear and confusion? You see what I mean, your body is speaking to you, all you need to do is listen. Now, that is not to say that only your body has a voice in the decision making. But shouldn't it be considered?

You body is tremendous resource of inner wisdom and guidance. It stores your life experience. It is the temple for your connection to Source. It knows what it needs and will attempt to convey that to you. So, are you listening to your body?

Blessings, Lisa

Go For It


Breaking news: Seeking happiness does not mean you are being selfish! You have a right to be happy. You deserve to be happy. The Universe responds to this happiness.

When we are happy there is a tremendous shift in our energies. We are vibrant. We are more alive and alert. We take on challenges with optimism. We are more flexible. We seek possibilities. When we are happy we relate to others differently. Happiness creates happiness. It is as though it is contagious.

Makes sense, doesn't it? If we are in a state of happiness we then bring our vitality into the world. Our service to others is affected. We are more loving and generous. We bring our best self to the moment. Life is very different when we are happy than when we are not.

So knowing this, it obviously is important to then know what makes us happy. Joseph Campbell is quoted as saying, "Follow your bliss." What is your bliss? Do you even know? I have found that for some this is a difficult question to answer. They are quick to answer what makes them unhappy. But what brings you joy; what activities, what people, or what beliefs? How can you live your joy?

When we follow our bliss we bring into our lives things that make us naturally grow and evolve. We seek things that inspire us. Happiness impacts our spiritual growth as our soul shines brightly and we learn to trust our intuition and seek our truth. Happiness encourages us to care for our body and its needs so that we are healthy and empowered. Joy has the strength to bring positive thinking into our minds and quells the negative stories and self-talk.

Take on the challenge today and find something that brings you happiness. Explore it, be with it and celebrate it. Pay attention to the impact it has on you; body, mind and soul. Your day will be brighter for it.

Blessings, Lisa