On The Day You Were Born


On the day you were born there was a powerful celebration. All the angels and guides surrounded your sweet new soul brought into this body. Together they gifted you with treasures to carry you through your life's journey.

One angel presented you with the gift of laughter so that lyrical delight would ring out from you. Another brought the gift of breath so that you could whisper wondrous words of support and breathe in all the delicious aromas and scents of this world. One guide gifted you with respect so that you could bring this into your relationships with all things and beings and have it mirrored back onto you. One angel shared the gift of fierceness, knowing you would need it at times to stand your ground.

On and on, one by one, the angels and guides stepped forward and showered you with gift after gift. Your little body glowed with the essence of them all; grace, vulnerability, wonder, passion, silliness, acceptance, joy, flexibility, determination, peace, resiliency, and insight. On and on into the first night of your little life they came, one after another, to be certain that you would be bestowed with all the unique gifts you would need to bless this world you were entering.

They knew of your greatness. They knew of your promise. They awaited your arrival and the celebration had begun. Together they gathered to cherish you and to honor the being you were and would become.

The final angel stepped forward and gave the very last gift they had brought. It was the gift of self-love. And it was said, "May she always use this gift wisely and generously, it is the spark that ignites the power of all the other gifts. It is the fire that will fuel them. It is the softness that will allow them to expand. It is the strength that will support them in times of need. This last gift is where the seeds of her true beauty will grow and flourish."

Blessings, Lisa

Transformation for the New Year


As the New Year approaches I find myself thinking, as I often do at this time of the year, of things I would like to transform in my life. I believe in miracles. I also believe in the power behind creative energies. And I know that when I combine these two aspects to ideas, situations, projects in my life...the results are often amazing!

Miracles are often found in the company of magic. Magic is found in the beauty that surrounds our days. Being aware, being open and flexible and being willing to explore options is a terrific recipe for creating what feels like a miracle in your life! Things begin to shift, people stop and take notice, others are drawn in to the beauty and wonder. Before you know it an ordinary has been transformed into an extraordinary!

Creative energies become more powerful when we remove our expectations and our boundaries. When we can envision a different color, explore a new format, be open to a fresh aspect the creative energies begin to bubble to the surface and pop with a vibrancy. They explode with possibilities. They shimmer with hope. And we begin to see new ways of being.

The most important aspect to all this transformation is a bit more practical. It takes commitment to be on the look out for these energies. It means being engaged in the fulfillment of our transformations. It means living in the moment so that our perceptions are awake to the change and our consciousness is aware of what to release and what to embrace. Life is continually in a process of letting go and creating newness. The more we engage in this relationship, the more we focus our energies into the gifts of transformation. Then the more our life is in tune with creative miracles and wondrous opportunities.

Blessings, Lisa

Thinking Positive


The shaman knows that everything in life is made of energy. This energy is diverse and alive. Its vibrations are what set it apart from other energies. For example, a  living pine tree has a higher vibration than a fallen dead branch. You and I  have different vibrations as well. This diversity is what makes life so beautiful.

Our thoughts are filled with vibrational energies as well. Imagine the difference between a positive thought and a negative one. Imagine how your soul resonates with this energy. We know how others do. We can see it in their eyes, hear it in their words and feel it in their energies when we are sharing our positivity versus sharing our anger or frustration. If we find ourselves focusing on the past, reliving past wounds, angry feelings and even dysfunctional relationships over and over, without any kind of forward movement we are said to be dwelling, even stuck in the past. But we can shift those energies and make efforts to move away from them. Each step that we take to stop a negative thought from growing we shift the energetic vibration that surrounds us and flows within.

Now, imagine how this energy ripples outward to those that cross your path, influence your day, participate in your choices and more. If you bring positive thoughts to your relationships you are more likely to have a positive flow to the way things unfold. And if for some reason you hit upon a stumbling block, your positive vibrations will help you discover a resolution more readily.

Keeping our thinking more positive takes intentional effort. It is easy to slide down the slippery slope of negative thinking and have it impact our actions. Some use affirmations to help support their thoughts. Others use rituals and connection to Source. Some find honoring the body temple through healthy food choices and movement keeps the vibrations of their thoughts high. Others meditate or journey. And then others utilize the relationships with others to help keep them in a positive frame of mind. Sometimes it takes a distraction, a new practice or a supportive conversation to remain in the positive and away from the negative, but that black cloud does not need to remain and if it seems to hover, it does not need to drag us down. We can observe it, but not let its energies drown us in negativity.

Finding what supports your efforts of thinking positive is an important part of your day's energies. It is worth the effort and intention brought to it. By bringing positive thinking into balance for yourself you will find that your energies will begin to shift. You will see it reflected in your relationships, your work, and your overall life.

Blessings, Lisa

The Thoughts That Bind Us


Thoughts are powerful. We hold and move energies with our thoughts. We can shift perspectives, influence opinions, offer encouragement and more. Judgments are thoughts with quite powerful energies as well. Especially if our critical judgment is sensed by the person that they are about.

Imagine if we are judging someone and we are thinking to ourselves that this person is saying something dumb or foolish. If that person happens to be sensitive, they will pick up on the energies that our thoughts are creating about them and if they are perhaps worried about what they are saying, or if they are feeling a bit uncertain, well we just reinforced all of that! Even if they are not sensitive or intuitive the energies are transferred.

If we can become aware of our judgments and know that whether we speak them or keep them to ourselves, the energies have been created. Being mindful of this fact, we can train ourselves to step away from judgment. Critical judgments have the power to be perceived by whomever we are judging. It is not in alignment with our integrity. It is not of love.

There is a saying if you have nothing good to say, then say nothing at all. Well, if you have nothing kind to think, then refrain from the judging. Criticizing someone, more often than not, is done without knowing all the facts or the person's story. So, we then create further story around them to support our judging thoughts. This dis-empowers, tears down, and separates those from us. When we walk with our heart and soul, we find it is far more peaceful and beautiful to refrain from this behavior. And that is what it is, a behavior. Behaviors are learned and can be changed and altered, with focus and intention.

The next time a judging thought creeps in, realign your self, seek the love to be found, the beauty, the gift of grace. Not only will it serve the one being judged, but it certainly will serve you as well.

Blessings, Lisa