To Remain Open

Remaining open to life lessons and insight is a beautiful essence and way of being to bring to your day. There is a freedom that is found within. Accepting that we do not need to have all the answers, all of the time, is something that creates room for expansion, growth, gifts and beauty.

Many people have a difficult time saying "I don't know." They will struggle, pretend, and grasp for an answer as if the admittance somehow makes them less than in the eyes of others. But the reality is, within this statement, there is a great truth that shows just how wise one truly is. Being honest and open to one's ignorance creates room for greatness to be shared, room for our soul to expand and grow, room for life experiences and more.

Let's face it, we are not all interested in the same thing. We do not spend time studying, learning, exploring and investigating the same topics. We can't! This creates beautiful opportunities within our relationships for introducing, for sharing and for expressing. When we admit that we do not know something we create an opportunity to learn, a chance for wonder, a moment of engagement and a time for interaction in being the receiver of information from a giver of knowledge. The art of expression blossoms.

When we create the room for not knowing, we are not showing our weakness. Instead, we are making room for greatness. It becomes an opportunity for a relationship to deepen, for someone's confidence to shine bright, and for our ego to become comfortable with the not being the ONE! Most people who have practiced this act are very comfortable and confident in their not knowing. Being an empty vessel creates beauty within.

It takes honesty, integrity, confidence and great authenticity to admit we do not know something, especially when there is an expectation from others that we do or "should" know it. Not only is it an opportunity to model to others that there is no shame in not knowing, but it also opens our being up to the magnitude of discovery and learning. It creates pause to be receptive, it generates inquiry and wonder, and it shows your genuine ability to be flexible and vulnerable. It is a time for curiosity to grow and possibilities to manifest!

Blessings, Lisa


New Year Clearing for the Soul

When a new year presents itself many people will create resolutions to clean up, clear out and de-clutter many aspects of their life. Whether it be our homes, our bodies or our energetic fields, a good cleanse and clean up can be a very good thing.

When we take the time to clean up and cleanse our energetic fields our soul is given room for expansion and growth. It is given the opportunity to release anything that we have been challenged to let go of. As we let go of this heavy baggage that has been weighing us down our consciousness begins to re-awaken within. What has been stagnant and stuck can now be free and flowing.

With some positive intention and a little bit of commitment we find ourselves approaching this clearing with optimism and the results lend us lightness of spirit, energetic flow and the return of possibilities. Our energy that may have once been waning is restored. Our thinking that may have been clouded becomes clearer. Our emotions that may have been strained and negative are now open and more positive.

There are many ways one can clear their energetic fields and open the door to their soul's longing and freedom. Some use crystals, some meditation, some visualization, others chanting or drumming. Finding what works for you is not unlike finding the food plan that aligns with your body's needs or the exercise program that supports your body's movement.

Whatever method you choose to cleanse your energies, do so in a gentle and supportive way. Give yourself the time and space to be present and relaxed. Rushing through will not give you the results you are seeking. Be open to the possibility that it may take repeated efforts to get to the place of ease and freedom you are seeking. As with many de-cluttering efforts, the work sometimes is best done in layers and over time. Find what works for you and commit to it. The end results will bring freshness to your soul's work, lightness to your energetic fields and fluidity to your thoughts.

Blessings, Lisa


Allowing the Flow

Have you ever heard someone sharing a story about some event in their life that is quite sad or overwhelming and at some point in the sharing they proudly state, "And I have not shed a tear!"? It is as though they want a badge of honor. They feel it somehow measures their strength or resiliency.

I know that there is a wonderful release when I allow my tears to flow. They cleanse my soul, they wash away the pain and they allow my emotions to move on. There is great beauty in the ability to shed tears.

And not all tears are caused by pain. Many times they flow when we are proud, moved deeply, or awestruck. We shed tears when we hear news that brings relief. We cry when we relate to someone on a very deep level.

The soul recognizes our tears as an opportunity for us to process and work through life events. Tears shed in anger can let some of the steam off. Tears of disappointment can bring a pause for us to gain a fresh perspective. Tears of loss expand the love in our heart.

Tears are a physical act that our body affords us to connect with our heart and our soul. They bring us to our vulnerable side and there is no shame in that. We need times to be soft, to let go, and to feel the release of our pain. We find inner peace under the tears. We also need times to feel the connection with others on a soft soulful level. The tears help build energetic bridges between us.

Sometimes a good cry just does a body good! And sometimes it is the best medicine of the soul.

Blessings, Lisa

Your Soul's Tool Box

We all acquire a unique tool box as we move through life. The experiences we face ensure that we get creative, that we learn by trial and error and that we sometimes find success, accomplishment and progress. It is during these times that we discover new tools and learn to use them.

Whether it be visualizing, journaling, journeying, rituals, meditating, or any other act that calls to us, our soul guides us to tools that will benefit our life's work and progress. The more regularly we use our soul's tools the more we grow accustomed to them and learn to rely upon them for our work.

With the skills we gain in our days and the soul tools we gather we face our challenges with more agility, stronger intention and vibrant insight. Our soul tools can become an important aspect of how we move through life. The Universe responds to our attempts and brings to us what we need next. Our energies are engaged.

One thing that is needed in order for us to be our most authentic self we need to learn what our soul tool box holds. We need to become skilled at the use of these tools; knowing how and when to turn to them. Unless we put them to use, they cannot serve us. Sounds pretty obvious, yet often people fall into patterns that do not serve them well. Reminding ourselves that there are options to the way we make decisions, that we have choices about the tools we can use to best fit the situation that we are facing and that we can learn to rely on these tools to help us grow and expand toward our soul's calling.

Blessings, Lisa