Listening to Your Own Truth

From a very early age we meet up with people who claim to know what is best for us. And, reasonably, when we were younger this was mostly true. But as we go through our life we are given ample opportunities to listen, to learn, to explore and to engage. From these opportunities we learn to listen to our truth.

The insights of others, though at times helpful, cannot compare to our own individual awareness and the answers that are within us. When we come into this world we come with our individual wisdom that is unique to us only. It is the perfect gift of energies, intuition, discernment and more. As we add life experience to this it grows more and more powerful. The more we use it and rely upon it the better it serves us.

Our truth fits only us all of the time. It does not let us down. It does not set us up. It is our universal connection. It bridges our soul's energies, our life experiences and our inner wisdom. It helps us to identify danger, to place focus on our values and to fuel our inspiration.

Our truth is one of our very strongest and most powerful tools. The better we get at using it, the more familiar we become at listening to it and the more confident we are in its authenticity the more it will serve us. As our consciousness grows and expands, so does our truth.

Blessings, Lisa