Keeping the Fire Alive


Keeping our fire alive is a challenge at times depending on where we are on our life's path. We need to be able to appreciate the positives in our life and we need a commitment to put action in our life.

Holding and honoring what is good in our life keeps us out of story, out of the past and out of the future. It keeps us present. It also keeps us in a positive energetic vibration. It is hard to feel sorry for your self, to feel angry or to be in a place of blame or shame when we are in a state of appreciation. It works every time!

Bringing commitment into action has us pause and look about our life and ask, "What needs to be done?" It is a golden chance for reflection. It gives us time to listen to our soul's needs. It brings our authentic wisdom into our life's plan.

If we then bring this appreciation into the equation with the committed wise action we find that our energies are filled with abundance, forward thinking and positivity, instead of a coming from a place of lacking, regret and negativity. It also alleviates the struggle.

We are not approaching our life with an empty tank. We are not seeing our self as less than, broken, or in need. Instead we bring our soul's inspiration, our heart's passion, our mind's dreams. We bring along a rich and vibrant energy that is found in appreciation. Within this gratitude and admiration of what we have been blessed with we find an energy that sets into motion for us the next expansion to our day. It brings abundance of ideas, concepts, resources, and creativity.

Focus has much to do with our inner fire. What we focus our time and energies on is often what we get. A subtle shift in one's perspective, in one's appreciation and we then see the embers begin to come alive. We see our innate power at work. We find our true voice. We awaken our passions. And our fire burns bright.

Blessings, Lisa