Possibilities and Dreams

I begin the New Year thinking ahead to what this year could hold. So many possibilities! A favorite quote byfile9051261658656 Robert Moss excites me on this day, "The futures we dream are often possible futures. They don't necessarily have to play out. They are fit within an order of probabilities which we can change according to our willingness to work with dream information and take appropriate action." Imagine the possibilities. To begin this year not letting doubts and fears box me in! To begin this year expanding upon the ripples of energy. To begin this year with appropriate action that is in alignment with where Spirit is guiding me. To begin this year finding the messages and tools within my dreams and bringing them to the day with intention and insight. Imagine the possibilities!

We all have the potential to be the creators of our future. We should not sit beside the road waiting for the next person to stroll by and tag along. We have the power and the gifts within to launch ourselves far into these beautiful possibilities! So what happens? What stops us? Mostly, our selves, I think. We worry that struggle will hurt or that if we make a mistake we have failed somehow. But if we can accept that all of that struggle, every mistake or failure is part of the BIG picture of our possible future and is necessary to its creation…we need to take that leap of faith.

rainbow(1)This will not be a year of holding back. Nor will it be a year of blaming others or other situations for what is “not going right” in my life. I release that thought pattern and that negative energy. This year will be filled with the manifestation of dreams, the exploration of possibilities and the embracing of my potential. I will lean into the wind, not turn my back. I will leap off the branch, not cling with my last grip. I will dream big and not be small. I am excited to BE this year. There is much to do, to be in service of, to offer, to share, to receive, to love and to wonder! Join me!

Blessings ~ Lisa

©COPYRIGHT 2013 Lisa Meade