Healing with Sound

We are energetic beings. There is no denying this. Our vibrations can be felt by others. We can tune into other's energies as well. When our vibrations are not in alignment with our authentic being we can feel off. This can represent itself as feeling foggy brained, lethargic, irritated, anxious, depressed or even forgetful. There are many different ways to bring one's energies back into alignment.

One of my favorite and quite effective methods is through the use of sound. Sound can alter our emotions, our physical body and our spiritual energies. Shamans have used sound as a tool for centuries. Whether it be drumming, chanting, toning, chimes, singing bowls, or the sounds found in nature, such as waves, rain, wind, or birds singing, sound can be very healing.

When our vibrations are not in alignment not only will we feel out of sorts, but with time disease can manifest. Time has proven that certain tones open specific chakras within the body's energy realms allowing for flow to move more smoothly. Some healers will use specific sound creating tools around the body to create energy, to remove blockages and to initiate flow. These tools can be bells, rattles, drums, even the clapping of hands.

Experimenting with various sounds will help you discover what resonates with you. This can be important at some point in your life when you will need to turn to sound for healing or for alignment of your energies. You may already have an idea of what works for you as you may have experienced a shift in your energies when you have listened to something in the past.

Recently, I discovered Soul Song. I use toning and chanting along with a variety of different sound tools, such as rattles, drums and singing bowls, in my work with others. It helps bring connection where there is an interruption of the flow of their energies. It helps bring calm and peace where there is stress. It encourages harmony in the distress. To learn more about this offering, visit: http://www.womenwithinsight.com/soulsong/.

While there can be tremendous healing to be found in silence, sometimes sound is the right fit. Connecting with our vibrations and bringing our energies back into alignment can be a powerful skill to have. Knowing what sounds resonate with your body and your energies is important information to have in your self care.

Blessings, Lisa